
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2020

Edupassion 2020: Daryaksara

Edupassion 2020 : Daryaskara, is an annual event held by my school, SMAN 3 Bandung it’s also located at SMAN 3 Bandung. This event invites universities representatives, college students including some alumni.  Basically, the purpose of this event is to enable students to gain various information about universities. So it gives us more knowledge about universities we could go after finishing high school The event wasn’t only attended by universities, there were also performance by LSS, KPA and KV 3.  There was a talkshow about International Competition in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. And there were a different presentation that each faculty from some favorite universities such us Medical Studies from Unpad, Electronic and Information faculty from ITB and many more And what I did there was I ask some questions to one of the crew of Daryaskara, her name is Azizah Fasya, I have to interview her for English assignment, Most of the students also have to go to each university sta

The Elves and The Shoemaker

A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, became so poor that at last he had nothing left but enough leather for one pair of shoes. So in the evening, he cut the leather into the shape of the shoes, and he left his work on the table to finish in the morning. He lay down quietly in his bed, and before he fell asleep he asked God to help him. In the morning, just as he was about to sit down to work, he saw the two shoes standing quite finished on his table. He was astounded, and did not know what to make of it. He took the shoes in his hands to look at them more closely and he saw that they were so neatly made that there was not one bad stitch in them. It was just as if they were intended as a masterpiece. Soon after, a customer came in to the shop, and as the shoes pleased him so well, he paid more than the usual price. Now the shoemaker had enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes.  That night, he cut out the leather, and the next morning he was about to set to work with fr

Visiting One of The Best Exhibit in Jakarta

Hi! Now I'm gonna tell you about my End-of-year trip, actually, I went to several cities like Semarang and Jogja, but for me, the highlight of my holiday was my Jakarta trip the ambiance I went to Jakarta on the 2nd of January and I went back on the 5th of January. So on Friday, I visited the famous National Gallery of Indonesia aka Galeri Nasional Indonesia. The National Gallery was located in Medan Merdeka number 14 or to be exact in front of the Gambir Train Station. It was built in the 1900s by the Dutch Government. The Gallery was quite impressive with a wide range of different styles from different time periods. There are so many works from Indonesian artists but you can also find international work as well.  The collection at the National Gallery of Indonesia is comprised of works from Indonesian artists such as Basuki Abdullah, Affandi, and Raden Saleh. From said that The National Gallery contains around 1750 artworks The National Gal