The Proclamation of Indonesia Independence

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The youth combatants, including Chairul Saleh, Sukarni, and Wikane discussing with Ibrahim in the early hours. This incident happened on August 16th 1945 on 4.30 WIB. Together Shodanco Singgih, one member of PETA, and another young men, they kidnap Ir. Soekarno (alongside Fatmawati and 9 months old Guntur) and Hatta to a village that is called Rengasdengklok. The young combatants choose Rengasdengklok because they think that Rengasdengklok is the safest place and also far from Jakarta (at that time), later famous as the Rengasdengklok incident. The aim is so that Sukarno and Drs. Muhammad Hatta undeterred by Japan. Here, they come back convince Sukarno that japan had surrendered and the fighters are ready to fight against Japan, whatever the risks

At that time, the old figures (Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta) wished the proclamation to
passed through PPKI (Indonesia’s Independence Comittee). And the young figures didn’t quite agree with that idea because PPKI was made by Japan. Actually, before it happened, the young figures had been done a negotiation on August 15th in Pegangsaan Timur, Jakarta. In that negotiation, the young figures were deciding to make a proclamation without any intervention from Japan, including PPKI. After this negotiation, they asked the old figures to accept their idea, but they rejected their opinion. The reason is that the old figures feel that they were responsible for running PPKI until they declared proclamation.

At the same time in Jakarta, the young nationalist, Wikana, and Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo were doing negotiation. Ahmad Soebardjo agreed to proclaim Indonesia Independence to take place in Jakarta. Then Joseph Kunto was ordered to deliver Achmad Soebardjo to Rengasdengklok to pick up Soekarno and Hatta to Jakarta. Achmad Soebardjo managed to convince the youth figures to not hurry to proclaimed the independence.

After returned home, Rear-Admiral Maeda’s offer to use his house as the place of meeting of the PPKI, and it was accepted by Indonesian Leaders. And the negotiations between the old and young nationalists in the drafting the text of the proclamation took time from 02.00 until 04.00. The proclamation text was written in the dining room at Tadashi Maeda’, the concept was made by Soekarno himself. And it was typed by Sayuti Melik.

The next morning, August 17th, at the residence of Soekarno, Eastern Pegangsaan, 56 has been present Soewirjo Wilogo, Gofar Pringgodigdo, Tabrani, and Trimurti. It started at 10.00 am with the reading of the proclamation text by Soekarno, then the red-white flag which has been sewn by Fatmawati, hoisted, followed by opening remarks by the Deputy Mayor, Soewirjo.

Trimurti was originally asked to flag up but he refused and said that the flag should be done by a soldier. Latief Hendranigrat, a PETA warrior was selected, aided by Soehoed for that task. A youth emerged from behind carrying a tray containing a red-white flag. After the flag was visible, the audience sang Indonesia Raya. Until now, the inheritance flag is still preserved in the Museum of Tugu National Monument.

After the ceremony complete, the young men more passionate spreading the news of the proclamation by delivering the copy of the script to the head of the Radio Domei. And the proclamation was heard throughout the country because the text was secretly broadcasted by Indonesian radio personnel using the transmitters of the Jakarta Hoso Kyoku radio station 

Zasqya, Alifa. (2020). Brief History of The Independence of Indonesia. Retrieved from
2020. Proclamation Text. [Online]. [Accesed 10 March 2020]. Available from:


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